The Mairangi Bay boys have done it; they successfully took on the Molokai 2 Oahu Paddle Board Work Champs. Accomplishing such an achievement at a world champion level is nothing short of inspiring, and each of them should be proud of the mental and physical resilience they have portrayed.
"Few days have gone by, and we’ve managed to reflect on what was an unforgettable experience.
The offical results are as follows:
Lucas Forbes
- U19 1st Place 6:15:38 🥇
Joseph Wilson
- M20-29 2nd Place 6:20:33 🥈
Tom & Harry
- 2 person U79 (total age) 3rd Place 6:15:28 🥉
*all competed in 12’ Stock divisions
It was an incredibly hard race, too much detail to explain here. We might write to that in another post.
For now, here are two photos from the last 6 months that mean a lot to each of us, and a small reflection from the team.
“It’s been a long journey for all of us, and I couldn’t have picked a better group of boys to do it with, our hard work paid off yesterday and I am beyond proud to say I was apart of this team, lastly thank you to our awesome sponsors for supporting us though out this journey.”
- Lucas
“This is just the first of many crossings! The race was something that we knew was going to be difficult, but the work leading up to it with the crew has bound something far beyond just training partners on the water, it’s formed great bonds that made this first M2O extremely memorable. Additionally it felt amazing to stand on the beach of Moloka’i in the morning and know that we had a whole community of incredible friends, family and sponsors back home that got us to Oahu. Personally the day for me wasn’t what I was hoping for but that’s what the channel is, but that’s why we do these things, challenges. Get comfortable being uncomfortable”
- Joe
“The M2O race has been an exceptionally rewarding and challenging experience. It has encouraged me to push my physical boundaries, build mental resilience and embrace the opportunity to do something outside of the ordinary. I am thrilled to have been able to share that experience with my fellow lifeguards and mates.”
- Harry
“That was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Everything about it was hard… the lead up, the admin, the logistics, and even the race! But that’s why we do things. To struggle and grow. To succeed OR learn. The only failure is a failure to try. And I’m really glad I tried something out of my comfort zone with a great group of humans.”
- Tom